ECFA Accredited member sealOur ministry has applied for membership with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

Founded in 1979, ECFA provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, fundraising, and board governance.

Since 1989, our ministry has offered independently audited financial statements for free. Now I view ECFA membership dues as an investment in: 1) Providing you extra peace of mind about this ministry’s administration and 2) Attracting new supporters who agree that ECFA is the gold standard in ministry accreditation.

To apply, we submitted a dozen items (see samples, below). Then, ECFA’s vice president interviewed me and our volunteer auditor. His incisive questions made it obvious that he had reviewed our file thoroughly. If accepted, our ministry must meet all ECFA standards all the time. Please pray that their board takes their VP’s suggestion and approves our application. At, you can click on “About ECFA” to see their statement of faith, foundational pillars, standards and commentaries, tax return, and newsletter archives. Clicking on “ECFA Standards” shows what they expect in terms of Doctrinal Issues, Financial Oversight, Use of Resources and Compliance with Laws, Transparency, and Stewardship of Charitable Gifts, among others.

On the one hand, an ECFA affiliation won’t directly impact Zola Levitt Presents, the Levitt Letter, or Our organization’s integrity has remained intact since Zola’s first television show aired in December 1988. On the other hand, this ministry might broaden our viewership and readership by being recognized as submitting to such a high level of scrutiny.

Over the decades, we have passed 22 independent audits and two IRS audits with flying colors. You are well aware that our fundraising is minimal and dignified. The quality in our television productions speaks for itself.

Now, thanks to Myles and Katharine, you are witnessing some of the most edifying, inspirational television programs and newsletter articles in a long time. In more ways than one, this ministry is emerging from the recession all the better. Aren’t you just as excited about this as I am?

Below are some of the documents submitted to ECFA.

  1. Most recent financial statements
  2. Most recent IRS Form 990 tax return
  3. Our latest three newsletters
  4. Letters of reference from ECFA members
  5. IRS approval of tax-exempt status
  6. Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws

View these at

View our ECFA acceptance press release and ECFA Member Profile page.