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The Jewish roots of Christianity

Home » February 2008

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Dear Friend,

As this letter hits your mailbox, our new television series In the Footsteps of the Rabbi from Tarsus is hitting the airwaves. The first six programs consider Paul’s travels; the last six pay close attention to his teaching. Because we want to teach, preach, evangelize, and interact with our supporters, we plan to squeeze in three additional programs at midpoint, during which we can engage the audience and read “hard hitting” viewer mail. These fifteen programs are must-see TV for America—the images and messages forcefully challenge individuals to re-envision Paul and re-arrange their own lives.

Through this series we offer a new view of an old Jew: the Apostle Paul. We want to make it our business to publicize his business and how honored he was to tell of our Heavenly Father’s business. I am especially excited about this series—pleased to commend it to you. It’s full of substance, not just flash, and it’s all about mission.

There’s something to the old saying, “there’s no business like show business;” however, I am reminded that for people like you and me, there’s really “no business like ‘go’ business”— the “go” being participation in the “Great Commission.” Paul did this well, did he not?

Sadly, it seems that many preachers who are supposed to be in the Gospel’s “know” business aspire more to Gospel “show” business. Displaying their acquisition of money, goods, and glory as proof of God’s blessings, flashy preachers impress their distressed listeners with religion’s ability to purchase a better life for the faithful. That’s not what we’re all about!

While it is true that the faithful do enjoy a better life here and now, and that a great reward awaits the faithful at the other end of life’s journey, I am suspicious that the flashy and glitzy religious “show business” says more about the interests of the preachers and the values of their supporters than it does about the Gospel’s vision for human happiness and fulfillment. The better life in the here and now is rarely, if ever, attained through acquisitions.

We who follow Jesus live a better and more fulfilling life because we are not entirely rooted in this life. We don’t put “all our eggs in this life’s basket;” rather, we invest money and time in endeavors beyond our own worldly concerns. We dare, we care, and we share—and as we do, we “lay up treasures in heaven” (Matt 6:20).

You who invest in Zola Levitt Ministries can be assured that we are not squandering your tithes and offerings to support any out-of-control, expensive lifestyles. We do our best to get the most value out of your contributions by controlling TV production costs and airtime and other expenses. The contributions go to the production and not to the producers.

In the Footsteps of the Rabbi from Tarsus is the most expensive series we have ever undertaken. At 30-minutes each, the twelve programs together equal three full-length motion pictures. While we usually travel only to Israel to shoot our programs, this series had us covering a vaster expanse as the crew and I retraced Paul’s journeys through modern Turkey, Greece, and Italy. Because of this, we incurred greater expenses for travel and TV equipment rental in order to maintain our high production standards and present the Gospel effectively.

Mass communication is a great way to advance Christ’s Kingdom to the masses—the best way, in fact, to reach young people. While a pastor can speak to a few hundred souls—or a few thousand—on any given weekend, you and I together speak to millions —Christians, Jews, and Muslims. I say “you and I together” because most people who listen to the teaching, who watch the program and see the ancient biblical world by means of it, and who benefit from the exposure, never write to us or connect with us in any way, or even say “thank you.” But you have. You not only have contacted us, you have made it possible for us to do this work, and that is why you have received this personal letter of thanks.

Though I enjoy hearing that people appreciate the programming, the “pat on the back” I really want is to hear the Lord say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” That is the ultimate affirmation that both you and I want to hear when our life’s work is assessed. What this ministry is looking for now is more and more viewers, and help from Heaven to turn them into disciples of the Master.

In a world where some preachers concentrate on showing off who they are and what they’ve got, we are committed to simply showing what we’re doing, all to God’s glory. In this case, we are re-introducing the world to the real Paul, an Orthodox Jewish rabbi who came to a saving faith in Yeshua (Jesus) and who then used his energies to advance Christ’s Kingdom all over the ancient world. For those who want to learn even more, this lengthy series will be accompanied by a book.

We are not content, however, to rely on this and past television series to get the Word out. We are off again to update end-times prophecy, this time through a fresh engagement with Ezekiel. In the process of considering his words, we’ll note his ominous predictions of a northern, Russian alliance with Iran and a coming, last-days attack on Israel. Sound interesting? Stay tuned.

And stay attuned to the Christian spirit of giving—which extends well beyond Christmas. Frankly, asking for financial help is the least favorite of my ministerial responsibilities. But someone must do it because the ministry needs it. Besides, it is through giving and not gathering that people grow and gain a fulfilled life, becoming Christ-like; for by following the ultimate “giver” we become more like Him in this world.

If you appreciate TV programming that underscores the Gospel’s Jewish connection, and if you believe this is TV worth watching, then please agree with me that it is TV worth supporting. When you support us, here’s how we will support you:

  • We’ll provide you, and the world, with unique and balanced Christian television.
  • We’ll keep writing cutting-edge books to enhance individuals’ understanding of the biblical Word we read and the broader world we live in.
  • We’ll continue sending you our Levitt Letter, our gutsy newsmagazine, full of biblical commentary and sage insights on the world we live in.
  • We’ll make available many Bible teaching products for you, as well, and make them available on our website, www.levitt.com, and through the Levitt Letter.

If your friends call 1-800-WONDERS, we’ll be happy to send them a free subscription to the Levitt Letter.

Lastly, do you recall that Jesus ended His time with His disciples by saying, “If you love me, feed my lambs” (John 21:15)? As I end here, please listen as I say, “If you love Jesus, see His land—Israel.” We take tours to Israel, and there is room for you in the inn. Passport applications take longer than before, and tougher airline deadlines make it more important than ever to plan months ahead. Get the ball rolling by calling us at 1-800-WONDERS or, during office hours, (214) 696-9760.

Those who travel with the Spring Tour, from March 23 to April 2, will experience the cooler weather that some prefer. But each passing day makes it more difficult to add passengers to our group. If your schedule allows only a Summer Tour, the weather from June 9 to 19 will be a little warmer, but you’ll be comfortable in our new, air-conditioned buses. You may even come back with a tan after digging with archaeologists! You can tell your friends you got it in the Holy Land during the happiest summer of your life. Please join Sandra and me.

Your Messenger,


Jeffrey Seif

P. S. Political candidates are presently telling their stories to secure votes. Will you help me remind the world that the “King of the Jews” is looking for devoted subjects who will expand His Kingdom and support His incumbent Lordship?

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“Here is my contribution for February. May God bless your efforts in the 12-program Footsteps TV series to re-introduce the world to the real Paul.”

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