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Dear Friends,

Federal agents recently foiled an Oklahoma City-like bomb plot hatched by Hosam Maher Husein Smadi. Originally from Jordan, Smadi unveiled his plan in the States. He linked up with other terrorists to build his bomb and attempt to blow up a major Dallas high rise. Though he didn’t target a Federal Building, he caught the attention of the “Feds.” To his surprise, some of his newfound terrorist friends were in fact FBI agents.

They got him. Thank God for that!

This sort of event can shatter our complacency and reveal that we lovers of freedom need to remain vigilant. Evil exists in this world—often just down the road. We live in challenging times, and we need to be “in the ready.” Zola Levitt Presents is poised and ready to sound the trumpet for Believer and unbeliever alike!

I have a foreboding sense that time is running out for nuclear Iran as it moves toward an inglorious future. My heart, however, goes out to the unfortunate people of Iran. Many progressive Iranians are stuck in a backward religious regime that pushes the Islamic nation-state toward war. Maybe it will relent, for the moment. Nineveh did. Let’s see.

Iran spews rabid, anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying rhetoric. It’s inching ever closer toward realizing a Hitler-type vision of a world without Jews—or Israel—through its nuclear program. So please let me draw your attention to my recent book The Iranian Menace in Jewish History and Prophecy. It will take you into a world that already seems to be unfolding before our very eyes. Its conclusions—drawn from biblical history and narrative—indicate that our world has come to a crossroad, one you too have likely sensed for some time. We’re so close to it that we may have entered it before this letter reaches your mailbox. The world’s leading nations are giving Iran until the year’s end. Let’s watch.

After I penned The Iranian Menace, I wrote Guns and Moses to speak about using force in defense of home and hearth. I had perceived that the U.S. did not have the stomach for a pre-emptive strike on Iran’s nuclear capability. Therefore I wanted to offer biblical support for Israel’s legitimacy in defending itself against Iran’s hostility.

To shed more light on the subject, our ministry produced a television series called Bad Moon Rising wherein we spoke directly to America and Europe about the impending crisis. We have continued to bring up the matter in subsequent television series and specials while maintaining a watchful eye on prophetically significant news in general. In addition to calling attention to the threat in books and weekly television, we bring varied articles to you monthly in our Levitt Letter.

The clock is ticking, and we are staying at our watch to bring you the news—all from a biblical perspective.

Real, Bible-believing Christians are disconcerted by a sense that the leaders of the free world don’t possess the Judeo-Christian values that developed modern society. Iran’s nuclear threat poses unique problems for President Obama and other leaders of the free world. But Israel’s need to act decisively is unquestionable, as is the legitimacy of using force if Israel is militarily endangered.

Israel is surrounded by hostile neighbors, precariously placed between avowed foes in the Gaza strip, the West Bank, and Lebanon. Israel also must contend with a host of stronger, ambivalent nations in the region. A nuclear-minded power like Iran being hell-bent on Israel’s extermination justifies national alarm. So does the nearly wholesale abandonment of Israel by Christians and churches, spiritually.

Much as Israel must fight for its own survival, ministries that support Israel in the United States are also fighting to survive. Support for Israel is diminishing in the larger culture, and there is less enthusiasm among many Christian churches as well. We Zionists are increasingly marginalized because of our political incorrectness and theological commitments.

With your help, this ministry has reached into millions of homes for more than thirty years. Even with credible reports of an economic turnaround on the horizon, good people are withholding missionary love gifts, potentially forcing us to begin cutting corners. Anticipating a harvest nonetheless, I will be in Israel filming when you read this letter. We’re creating cutting-edge television because the time is right and the spiritual harvest is ripe. We’re doing it with faith that the Lord will provide both harvests—the financial resources and the hearts open to hear His Word.

To offer a biblical look at leadership at this very time last year, we filmed The Warrior King: David-like Leadership for Goliath-like Times. We followed with another new series, on emerging evil—The Dark Prince: When the Devil Has His Day. We undertook this monumental project—even when resources were dwindling—because we thought it prudent for us to consider what the Scriptures say about the anti-Messiah at Days’ End.

The presently running series, Sar Shalom (Prince of Peace) offers a change of pace and some lighter fare. Our producer Ken Berg thinks it’s our best series yet. Its artwork reflects the uplifting and positive subject matter about our Lord’s most beloved Sermon on the Mount. Please take a look for yourself and let me know what you think. You can see it at www.levitt.tv as well as on television.

In his day, our ministry’s namesake and my predecessor Zola Levitt was a newswatcher/interpreter. As a media concern, he attracted millions of biblically minded viewers who have been glancing our way ever since, interested in the read we give on the day and times in which we live. As we travel in and out of Israel and throughout the Scriptures, I sense that the times are both pathetic and prophetic. I am as convinced as ever that this must be one of our ministry’s finer hours.

It’s also one of our leaner hours, as the drain on finances is beginning to put a dent in our ability to perform as we’d like. If each of you could help a little, it would add up to a lot. It takes millions of dollars per year to do this work and, unfortunately, most of our millions of viewers (about 97%) don’t support it. That’s how it is with certain Church work. It seems, though, that the Lord always raises up a few, a “Gideon’s Army,” willing to push things forward.

Writing to you from the Land of Gideon, let me remind you that this is a great time to consider traveling with me to Israel. We’re already planning our spring 2010 tour. It departs March 14 and has two return dates: March 24 for the 11-day tour of Israel, or March 28 if you continue on to Petra. Calling 1-214-696-9760 will get the ball rolling for you; Tracie Robbins can send you an informative brochure.

Blessings to you for who you are and what you do for God’s glory.

Your messenger,


P.S. As the forces of anti-life push against the Church socially, spiritually, and materially, let me thank all of you who stand up for the Gospel truth with your prayers. With terrorists down the road, your writing and helping us reminds me that friends are there too.

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