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The Jewish roots of Christianity

Home » December 1995

Volume 17, Number 12

Mark Levitt

The State of Your Ministry

by Mark Levitt

Having recently celebrated my seventh anniversary as General Manager with "my father's" ministry, I'm all the more aware of who our staff here is working for. "What would the Lord want and what would our donors want?" is often posed when making important decisions, and our assumption is that your wishes thinly veil God's will.

Many supporters flow onto and off of a variety of ministries' mailing lists, tiring of each one's message. Some ministries teach that Christianity is a means to financial success, a close family, or simply getting and staying happy. Others beat dead horses, pandering to the public's interest in quasi-biblical topics. Our ministry's Bible lessons and ongoing chronicle of prophecy fulfillment can grow tiresome to those too concerned with personal problems or too impatient for Christ's return "to keep oil in their lamps" (Matt. 25:1-13). But that subtracts zero from the importance of our mission.

Someone has to fill the cavernous niche created by our media's chronic slamming of Israel (helping to fulfill Matt. 24:9 regarding Israel being hated of all nations) and ignorance of the Bible and God's plan. You may recall that Zola is not only trying to stay in Israel more than before, but also our on-location correspondent Norma Archbold is only a fax away.

And now on to my report from the "engine room" of this outreach: what's going on management-wise at ZLM? Answer: preparation for challenging and rewarding battle. We're also helping a few allies.

Our 32-page, full-color catalog should enhance our distribution of Bible teaching materials for several years. Because we offer so many books, videos, music titles, etc., we decided to upgrade the quality and lessen the frequency of our catalog production, so please save yours or pass it on to a friend. Hopefully, you agree there's no better place to shop for birthday and holiday gifts.

Besides receiving donations of letter-folding and envelope-stuffing machines, we've replaced our decade-old package and letter posting systems with rebuilt three-year-old technology. We got incredible returns for our money, and we don't need the very latest equipment. As for our personal computers, we're staying with our 1990 hardware and only modestly upgrading our software. A couple of years ago, we upgraded our main computer for a song, and it's more than holding its own as is our '86 copier and our ministry "limo" (an '84 Ford station wagon with 68,000 miles).

We own no real estate, production studios, TV cameras or printing presses. We've had great success in economizing with well-managed mom-and-pop suppliers for our printing, tape duplication and TV production, and we invest where it counts most: TV production, air time and quality teaching materials. Right now our most significant asset is our inventory, which is a challenge to keep moderate considering the many items we offer.

We've also upgraded our personnel by improving our recruiting, training and compensation. We've reduced our turnover and geared our compensation to reward productivity as well as seniority. Our staff leasing company has helped us to offer some big company benefits without overspending. Granted, our employees could make more if they moved to secular employers, but part of their paycheck is the joy of doing the Lord's work and the treasure they're stowing away in heaven.

We used to rent a full-scale studio to produce our TV programs, but Zola bought a peculiar house where the prior owners were caterers who loved to entertain so much that they enclosed their whole back yard to make a huge den for big dinner parties. That den now serves as our free production studio. When you see Zola talking from his desk, that's really his desk, and our crew has enough space for lights, cameras, etc. with little set-up time and no overhead!

You may have noticed our publicizing other outreaches: The Ruff House homeless shelter here in Dallas (214-225-7255), The Jewish National Fund that plants trees in Israel (800-247-2818), a couple of organizations that rescue Jews from Russia, and several ministries in Israel. We've also helped one of our staff members in his prison outreach, including a Bible relay service if you have an extra Bible, send it to us and we'll put it into some grateful hands. We know there are other worthy causes and are happy to alert you to a few of them.

Some of our Israel footage has been put to use by another outreach toward the creation of a multi-media Bible (1-800-WATCH-IT). We also advertised our Israel, Greece and Turkey video footage in a producers' magazine to no avail. Apparently there are just too few making Bible-related TV programs about Israel, but our video library is ready for such opportunities.

We now have a home page on the Internet. You'll find our newsletter articles there and much more, so please surf by for a visit. Our address is: http://levitt.metronet.com/

It was a most productive year. We began 1995 with a considerable nest egg, and you've seen us put it to use. For those of you who have been on board for awhile, it may be difficult to imagine how our TV programs impact viewers seeing Zola Levitt Presents for the first or second time. Please know that your support benefits transient viewers and readers immeasurably; think how many seeds we've planted by teaching the Bible on location from Israel over the airwaves in all fifty states.

After we aired our nine-program House of David II series, The Witnessing Series taught how to witness to Gentiles, Jews and Arabs. The First Christians ten-program series, with unique music available on a separate audiocassette, has taught about the characteristics and traditions of those who first believed in Christ. Finally, a millennial project, The Jerusalem 3000 series, will shed biblical light on just where Jerusalem is in view of the "peace process," Rabin's assassination, and ongoing developments.

Besides your prayer and financial support, we need your help as a recruiter. Your friends would benefit from our TV programs and newsletters, so please pass Levitt Letters onto them and tell them to tune us in. We've created a free 8-1/2" x 14" promotional poster to publicize our broadcast times in your area, so please send for some copies to put up in your church, Christian bookstore, etc.

If you wish to donate larger assets to us, yet keep benefitting from them for the remainder of your life, please contact Wes Putnam at 5956 Sherry Lane, Suite #1000, Dallas 75225-8042 or call him at 214-691-5015. He's an independent expert at avoiding rendering more unto Caesar than necessary, and will gladly assist you regardless of what your charities are.

Does this article seem presumptuous? I'm assuming that you're not only receiving this newsletter, but taking time to read it because you like our outreach and care about supporting the message we deliver. I also believe that you want to help us and want to know how. Obviously we have always said that if you're too poor to donate, then please do not send money. You can still help this outreach to grow by praying and telling people to watch our programs. And be sure to always tell us on which station you're watching us.

One of our most potent opponents now is the "info-mercial." Advertising programs, contrived to fill some trivial need that's been cleverly blown out of proportion, can easily yield more revenue than Bible lessons with brief product offers and low-key fund appeals. We don't want to harangue our viewers for contributions and won't, so the key to our continuing to compete for airtime lies in more viewers and newsletter subscribers. Please get a copy of our airing schedule and amplify our message to your circle of friends and family.

We love you and know you're behind us 100%. Thanks in advance for making possible the victorious year ahead!

P.S. Our independently audited financial reports, free for the asking, show that 50% of our revenue pays for airtime, 20% for video production, 12% for employees, 10% for postage, and most of the rest for printing and rent.

Tom McCall
Thomas McCall

Israel, The Center of Divine History

By Thomas S. McCall, Th.D.

Israel is not only the center of past history, but also of biblical prophecy, which is, after all, future history as revealed by God. The final restoration of Israel is a central part of biblical prophecy about the End Times, but it is only one of many parts. There are many good and exciting things the Lord has promised, including the Rapture of the Church, the return of Christ to the earth, the Millennial Kingdom, and the eternal New Jerusalem. However, there are also some very devastating events in the divine forecast, such as the War of Gog and Magog, the Great Tribulation and the War of Armageddon.


The war described in Ezekiel 38-39 is predicted as occurring in the last days, and there are some similarities between it and the War of Armageddon. But there are enough differences that we must conclude it is a different conflict altogether, and there are indications that it must be seven years before Armageddon. Such timing would place it at the beginning of the Tribulation. One possible scenario is that this war, known as Gog and Magog, would occur between the Rapture of the Church and the beginning of the Tribulation.

In the War of Gog and Magog, the nation to the extreme north of Israel (Magog) organizes an invasion of Israel. Magog has traditionally been interpreted as being what we know as Russia, which is to the extreme due north of Israel. But Russia does not act alone. The Bear of the north forms an alliance with several specific nations surrounding Israel at a distance: Persia, Ethiopia and Libya.


These countries are predominantly Moslem nations, so the resulting partnership might be called the Russo-Islamic Alliance, joined together to destroy Israel. One peculiarity about the Russo-Islamic Alliance is that it does not include the traditional enemies of Israel, the adjacent neighbors of Syria, Moab, Edom and Egypt. The absence of these enemies suggests that there is some kind of pacification between Israel and these neighbors, perhaps a peace accord that is in place at the time of the fulfillment of the prophecy. That may be why Israel considers itself to be secure (Ezek. 38:8) before the invasion.

At any rate, the Russo-Islamic Alliance determines that it must invade Israel to gain a spoil (Ezek. 38:11-12). What kind of spoil is the Alliance after? All that the text says is that there are "cattle and goods" in Israel that attract Magog, and that they dwell "in the midst of the land (earth)." One thing is certain: the strategic importance of Israel in the Middle East. Whoever controls Israel controls the land bridge between Europe, Africa and Asia. Whatever the attraction, the Russo-Islamic Alliance attacks Israel in an invasion with overwhelming forces. The Alliance is convinced that it cannot lose in a conflict with the relatively puny nation of Israel.


However, the Russo-Islamic forces have made a serious miscalculation. They have not reckoned that the Lord God of the universe promised over 2,500 years ago to protect Israel and repel this very invasion. It will not be the valiant citizen soldiers of Israel who will accomplish this victory, though, but the supernatural power of the Almighty. There will be earthquakes and fire from heaven, and the powerful invading armies will "fall upon the mountains of Israel" and will "fall upon the open fields" (Ezek. 39:4-5). To the astonishment of Israel and the world, the hostile invasion with overwhelming numbers and resources is a total failure. The invaders of Israel suffer an 85% casualty rate (Ezek. 39:2). Dead soldiers and military debris are spread out all over the country, while the relatively tiny army of Israel comes through the contest unscathed.

The Russo-Islamic effort to destroy Israel will collapse in a great dispirited heap. In the aftermath of the war, the Jewish nation will have to devote seven months to decontaminating the countryside of all the dead invaders' bodies (Ezek. 39:11-12). Special note is also made of the use of the military debris left behind. Israel will use this accumulation of trash for fuel for a period of seven years (Ezek. 39:9-10). The length of time is not incidental. The seven years mentioned by Ezekiel is precisely the same amount of time indicated by his contemporary, Daniel, in the famous Seventieth Week. It is apparent that Ezekiel and Daniel are referring to the same period of future time, which is the Tribulation.


In this prophetic scenario, with the disappearance of the Church through the Rapture and the devastation of the Middle East in the collapse of the Russo-Islamic invasion (Gog and Magog War), the stage is set for the rise of the Antichrist and the dire developments of the Tribulation.

What we have witnessed over the past 150 years or so on the world scene has led us inexorably toward this scenario portrayed in the Scriptures. The nations have been pre-occupied with two world wars and numerous smaller conflicts and an expanding marketplace. On the other hand, the Lord and Satan have been engaged in a titanic struggle over the restoration of the tiny nation of Israel in preparation for the temporary reign of the Antichrist, and the glorious permanent return of the true Messiah, Christ Jesus.


In our present generation during the Cold War, the mighty Soviet Union seemed to be the perfect vehicle for the fulfillment of Magog, with its experience in supplying the Islamic enemies of Israel in their several wars against the revived Jewish nation. In the Yom Kippur War, almost all of the pieces of the prophetic puzzle seemed to be in place for the fulfillment of Ezekiel's predictions. But the event was delayed, and the Rapture, Gog and Magog, and the Tribulation were postponed for a later time.

The Soviet Union has collapsed in the ash heap of discredited international communism. How, then, will Ezekiel's prophecy about Gog and Magog be fulfilled? As we have seen, the sinister Russian bear is alive and well. In the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union, the Russians show a disturbing political schizophrenia. Some desire the blessings of freedom, democracy and even Christianity. But there are many political and military leaders who miss the power and prestige of the old system. Some Russian generals and military hardware have actually found their way into such havens as Iran (Persia). Also, there is a rise in Russia of anti-Semitism, and the pressure on the several million Jewish people in Russia is growing at an alarming rate.

Thus, the new Russia could turn out to be just as dangerous to Israel as the old Soviet Union. It would not be unthinkable for the upcoming leaders in Russia to take their nation down the same path of cooperation with the Islamic countries against Israel. Whatever the near term developments, Ezekiel's prophecy is still on track, and the war of Gog and Magog will come to pass just as the Lord has predicted, in His time and in His way.

A Note From Zola

Dear Friends,

What a year!

As far as this ministry goes ,your ministry, that is, we produced more new programs this year than we used to do in some two or three year spans in the past. Most notably, we made two lengthy series on location in Israel, The First Christians and Jerusalem 3000. The latter programs will be starting in February, but we made them during our Feast of Tabernacles tour in October.

At the same time, the ministry accomplished many other of its tasks, creating new products in several areas, including video, books, audio tapes, poetry, etc. All of these materials, biblically oriented, should enhance knowledge of Scripture and knowledge of Israel, which is one of the most important subjects in Christianity today.

As you can see from Mark's article on the State of the Ministry, it has been an exhaustively busy year. Financially speaking, we continue to keep our heads above water, but that's about it. Sadly, we had to leave our flagship station, KXTX-39 in Dallas, where we first started with a Christmas program in 1978. Dallas people, I was told, were surprised not to find the program when they tuned in to see what I might say about the Rabin assassination. They were disappointed, and yet these same folks who tune in now and again somehow did not donate enough to keep the airtime bills paid. It is difficult for us to drop a station, particularly a station with which we have enjoyed a 17-year relationship, but it is absolutely necessary when the donations are not there. Otherwise, we are simply asking viewers of other stations around the country to pay the bills for the people in Dallas. That isn't fair.

We don't spend much time fund-raising on our program, since I think that's not productive, but we obviously must meet the bills of each station with donations from viewers of that station. I thought all viewers understood that. I have to endure endless derision and jokes about my profession because of a few bad apples among religious broadcasters, but really all we ever ask for is subsistence, not riches. No one can accuse us of misusing funds, enriching ourselves, or otherwise abusing our relationship of faith with you. I do not steal the donations. My salary has nothing to do with what comes in, and other than normal cost-of-living raises throughout the years, has not changed since Day One.

Our 18th year, the one coming up, will be the most important we have undertaken because of Jerusalem 3000. Obviously, we must thoroughly cover the 3,000th anniversary of this significant city, the capital of Israel and the capital of the Kingdom to come. You, Christian, whoever you are, will live in Jerusalem for a thousand years, even if that name has never been uttered in your church even once. And that could start seven years from today. Even if your denomination thinks Israel is totally irrelevant, if you watch our program you are going to hear all about it every week!

Doing two consecutive location series is financially punishing for us. Location programs are now starting to approach the range of $20,000 each! But there is no way to adequately cover Jerusalem without going to Jerusalem. And so we will need some extra help with that. As usual, I guarantee you will be pleased with the results. As we post-produce these programs through the winter, we will deeply covet your best donations to put this important series on the air. Some prophecy teachers think we are so close to the end, that it is possible this is our final series. Looking at Israel and the world, I couldn't get up very much of an argument against that.

At the same time as our work becomes more difficult, our circumstances on broadcast television become more difficult. Family Channel has put us on very early Sunday mornings (6:30 a.m. Eastern and Pacific times, 5:30 a.m. Central time, and 4:30 a.m. Mountain time). That's just the way of the world. Infomercials and other sorts of programs generate better revenue for networks, which have their own expenses. We cannot possibly pay what the maker of some arthritis cure or exercise machine will gladly pay for the same half-hour, and so we are shunted off to times of little use to the secular world. That costs us too, of course, since it reduces our audience.

In short, this is an appeal to you for support in the sincerest and most certain terms. The money is not for me. I still wear a Casio watch. Instead, your funds will be used to promote entrance into the Kingdom for people everywhere who know little about it. We are not only witnessing to the Jewish people, but to Catholics and Protestants everywhere who have no idea what's going on in this world even as it falls down around their ears. I have a personal fear that the "weeping and gnashing of teeth" will occur among those who may have gone to church every Sunday for their whole lives. That is, some people will be left behind who simply don't know the Lord well enough for Him to claim them on the day of the Rapture. That's a real shame. We have to help with that.

And finally, there's the vast world of unbelievers. I wish you could see our mail and realize that people come to Christ watching our programs on a regular basis. People re-dedicate their lives, marriages are reconciled and wonderful things happen when Scripture is sent out over the airwaves to the millions. Help us with this, please!

As always, I will be completely satisfied with whatever the Lord tells you to do in regard to this ministry. Thank you for these wonderful 17 years, and please stick with us as we undertake that year that means "life" in Hebrew "chai" our 18th year!



In September we announced in the Levitt Letter that Zola Levitt Ministries now has a home page on the Internet. Since that time, the home page has been accessed over 1,000 times and we have received some interesting electronic mail. Following are a few samples. (Our address is http://levitt.metronet.com/ if you wish to visit us on the Internet. Please note that we can't answer most e-mail due to time constraints.)


I have watched your program… gosh… for over 10 years? I think you have great insight as well as a scriptural base. Hope to meet you one day since I live in Dallas.

Bless ya, M.O.

P.S. Nice to see a Christian presence on the Net.

I have had no contact with Zola for 35 years but we were pretty close friends at Miami University of Ohio. Actually I believe the last contact would have been around 1959.

Tonight I did a Lycos search and found the home page… I was fairly certain he would be on the net and I thought it unlikely that there was more than one Zola Levitt!

I have kept up with Zola's books and occasionally watched the TV program. I also left a message with the answering service at the 800 number. No special reason for this message except that I thought it was high time I made contact!

— G.W.

Note: Zola gave him a call, and the two friends are now back in touch after over 35 years.

Dear Zola,

Found the Levitt Letter on the internet and was thrilled to see it. The article on Rabin was timely and interesting. Looking forward to the November newsletter to learn more. I am disappointed in the number of individuals who have accessed the Levitt Letter and will join with you in prayer that more will find it. We continue to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem."

— H.


I was "surfing the net" and found your page with Zola's newsletters. There was a very interesting article in the October newsletter entitled "Israel, The Center Of Divine History Part XII" by Thomas S. McCall. I checked back in earlier newsletters and only found two others (Parts XI and X). Is there any chance you might have or can get the other nine parts and either put them on the page or E-mail them to me? I think it's a great idea to put the newsletters on the WWW [World Wide Web]. There's too much junk out there and more from people like Zola Levitt and Thomas McCall is needed. My wife and I have been Christians for many years but only recently have become "really" interested in Israel and the role God has ordained for her in these last days. May God bless you and your efforts greatly as you publish His truth.

Yours in Christ, A.S.

Dear A.S.,

Tom McCall's series has been dealing with the history behind the recent restoration of the nation of Israel. When the series concludes, we intend to compile the articles into a booklet that will be a very good tool for those who want to better understand modern Israel. It will also provide a good foundation for understanding the events that are taking place there now. We'll offer the booklet in the newsletter as soon as it is finished.

— Zola

Dear Zola,

With the tragic assassination of the Prime Minister, how do you see this relating to Bible prophecy?

Sincerely, W.

Dear W.,

Current world events seem to indicate that we are indeed in the End Times that Christ spoke of to His disciples in Matthew 24. As Dr. McCall wrote in his article on page three, Israel has been at the center of the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, and so it will be at the end. When nation rises against nation, Israel will be the catalyst and focal point. Although we can't know exactly how events are going to unfold, the assassination of Rabin certainly seems to fit in with the growing turmoil that will eventually lead to the anti-Christ. The leaders of Israel have been trying to broker an impossible peace. As Norma Archbold, our correspondent in Israel, writes, "Certainly the enemy is not preparing for peace. They are preparing for war." In an open letter to the American press, she declared, "If you came looking for truth, you would realize that a forced solution won't work, but is leading to war. Those who are forcing a solution clamped on the lid and turned up the fire until the kettle exploded, and now they are trying to tie the lid back on and turn the fire up again before Rabin's body is even cold. And the blindness of the press is providing the fuel." Although faced with their citizens' obvious unwillingness to give up their land to a sworn enemy, the Israeli government still seems set on doing just that. The world stage is being set for the beginning of the end. But as Christians, we can be encouraged, for Christ said, "When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28)

— Zola

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