January 2000: Volume 22, Number 1


Cal Thomas, whom we often quote, gives his usual clear-eyed analysis of Israel's present predicament.

...and Israel's Epitaph

By Cal Thomas
Cal Thomas

The parade of nations preparing to divide Israel's estate after its demise continued last week, with the Syrians coming to Washington to claim their rights as heirs.

In a deal already negotiated behind the scenes, representatives of Syrian dictator Hafez Assad will receive the strategic Golan Heights in exchange for agreements that undoubtedly will be broken and aid that will be converted into instruments of war.

For this "peace of the brave," as Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has called it (and he is fast becoming the Neville Chamberlain of his time), Syria will get billions of American dollars to resettle 18,000 Golan residents and probably billions more in military and civilian aid. If the past is any guide (and it always is in the Middle East), Syria will use the money to buy weapons from outcast states, strengthen its army and continue supporting an estimated 15 terrorist organizations from the Middle East, Latin America and Europe. Diplomatic sources indicate Syria will not be required to end its occupation of Lebanon which, in addition to being part of the "greater Syria" mystique of Damascus, is also a source of drug money for the Syrian government.

What will Israel get? AWACS surveillance planes, early-warning stations, helicopters and jet fighters and lots of assurances that "peace is at hand."

This latest charade is being pushed by the Clinton administration so the president can claim a decent legacy, but it's at the expense of the Jews. In the past, Jews have had to die for the sake of land, oil and the religious and political comfort of others. It is particularly unpleasant when Jews are co-conspirators in their own destruction.

No matter what Syrians sign and no matter how much American money they receive, they will still hate Israel and adhere to Mr. Assad's vow at the start of the 1967 war: "Our forces are now entirely ready... to initiate the act of liberation itself and to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland... The time has come to enter into a battle of annihilation." Nothing Syria has done since indicates this goal has changed. In fact, Mr. Assad has repeatedly broken agreements with the United States, Turkey and his Arab neighbors.

Bashar Assad, the son and probable heir of the president of Syria, said in an August interview with a Saudi weekly (quoted in The Jerusalem Post): "The proposed peace will be highly restricted. There will be a formal peace agreement, but the possibility of conflict between the two countries will remain, requiring Syria to continue arming itself." So Israel is supposed to be content that Syria will now be armed with American weapons instead of Russian weapons? Changing the gas manufacturers at the Nazi death camps would have left no fewer Jews dead.

There are many false assumptions about the Middle East. The Westerners who are unsophisticated in the region's complexities often are seduced by contemporary spin. The Syrians have no right to the Golan Heights, any more than Germany has rights to Eastern Europe, or Syria has a right to Lebanon. In 1920, the League of Nations included the Golan Heights in the original British Mandate for Palestine. The Golan fell under Syrian control in 1944 when the French mandate was terminated. Syria controlled the Golan for 23 years, and Israel, following Syria's unprovoked attack in 1967, has controlled it for 32 years. So why doesn't Israel have a legitimate claim to the territory? To return the Golan to Syria rewards the aggressor.

Writing in Dec. 10 editions of the Wall Street Journal, Steven Plaut, who teaches at Haifa University in Israel, said America's policy toward Syria should resemble Ronald Reagan's policy toward the Soviet Union. We should do what we can to topple dictatorial and oppressive regimes teetering on the brink of extinction, not throw them a lifeline.

Israel's enemies are happy to give President Clinton his "legacy," then wait until he leaves office to impose their "final solution." The United States has sold out the Jews before, closing its borders to them during World War II. Rather than doing penance, we are compounding our sin by helping to destroy a nation that, in our guilt, we helped create. Syria will play the heir to a large estate. Israel is the estate.

Cal Thomas is a syndicated writer for the Washington Post

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THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS published the following announcement before Christmas:

Hours of Prayer

Perpetual adoration is an ancient Catholic devotional practice surrounding the exposition of the eucharistic Host. Remember Jesus' words in the Garden of Gethsemane — "Could you not watch with me one hour?" — worshipers come at appointed hours so that the adoration is uninterrupted. The chapel... is open 9 a.m. till midnight daily. All are welcome to come at any time for silent prayer and meditation.

During the long night, the disciples had fallen asleep for one hour, but the church is closed for nine.

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Travels & Talks

National Conference On Prophecy
Grace Baptist Church
January 31 and Feb. 1
7171 Oak Ridge Highway
Knoxville, TN 37931

Thy Kingdom Come, Inc.
April 5-6, 2000
7301 East 14th Street
Tulsa, OK 74112-6700

God's News Behind the News
April 7-8, 2000
Orlando, FL

Fountain of Life Church
April 16, 2000
6800 Denton Hwy.
Fort Worth, TX 76148

Israel Tour
April 19 Through May 4

Shalom, Shalom Messianic Congregation
Every Friday Night 7:30 pm,
Biblical Arts Center,
7500 Park Lane at Boedeker,
Dallas, Texas 75225

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"Cheerleading for Arafat" Prize of the Month

From the December 2 LOS ANGELES TIMES comes a most hopeful paragraph:

At the heart of the debate is whether the Palestinian state that Mr. Arafat hopes to build will be a democratic one in which dissent is tolerated.

That's hopeful, indeed. There is not now nor ever has been an Arab state which is democratic or in which dissent is tolerated. And we could certainly not suppose that the first one would be led by an international terrorist whose profession has been contract murder for 30 years.

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TV Update:

FAM: Friday Mornings 6:30 Both Coasts, 5:30 CT, 7:30 MT

TBN: Sunday Afternoons 2:30 ET, 1:30 CT, 12:30 MT, 11:30 PT

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Tom McCall needs no introduction to our readers, but now and again we should state his qualifications. He holds a Th.M. in Old Testament studies and a Th.D. in Semitic languages and Old Testament. He has served as Zola's co-author, mentor, pastor, and friend for nearly 30 years. He is eminently qualified to undertake the following important study.

[Click here for Part 1]


Part 2, The Many Theaters of the War

By Thomas S. McCall, Th.D.


Tom McCall
Thomas McCall
When Armageddon is mentioned, people usually think of a one-time gigantic conflagration. The Scriptures do present Armageddon as a massive conflagration, but it is a process, a series of events and battles that span a relatively short period of time at the end of the seven-year Tribulation. Furthermore, these conflicts range over a wide area in the Middle East, including the Valley of Megiddo, but also several other places. The problem is that these great series of conflicts are described in numerous parts of the Bible as part of the Day of the Lord and His appearing, but it is not quite clear how they are interrelated. Thus, we have much information about the process of Armageddon, but our job as interpreters is to attempt to put all this information together in a sequence that is coherent.

It is possible that the order in which the Lord fulfills these events is different from what we now can conceive, but we can be assured that they will all come to pass precisely as the prophets predicted. Those believers who are alive at that time will be able to follow the events very closely from the Bible and will be able to identify the developments as they take place in a way that is not nearly so clear to us now. It is helpful, though, for us to attempt to arrange the various passages that deal with Armageddon in a logical progression, so that we can see how the Lord's plan may unfold.


It appears that there will be at least six locations, or theaters, in the war of Armageddon: Egypt (King of the South), Syria (King of the North), the whole Land of Israel, the Megiddo Valley, Edom and Jerusalem. Daniel 11:36-43 describes the situation at the final days of the end times, and he provides us information about the first three theaters of Armageddon. Up to this point during the first six+ years of the Tribulation, the Antichrist has confirmed a seven-year treaty with Israel, has consolidated his power throughout the world, has perpetrated the Abomination of Desolation in the rebuilt Jerusalem Temple, and has unleashed an unparalleled persecution of the Jewish people.

The King of the South and King of the North

In spite of the manifold judgments of God falling upon the world, the Antichrist appears to be at the zenith of his power when things begin to crumble for him. The first sign of trouble comes from Egypt and Syria.

And at the end time the king of the South will collide with him, and the king of the North will storm against him with chariots, with horsemen, and with many ships; and he will enter countries, overflow them, and pass through. Daniel 11:40

Throughout the entire context of Daniel 11, the prophet refers to the King of the North and the King of the South. In the earlier part of the chapter he is describing in intimate detail the rise and fall of a succession of rulers during the Grecian period, from Alexander the Great until Rome takes over the Mediterranean world a few decades before the birth of Christ. It is an astonishing display of God's foreknowledge of geopolitical events hundreds of years after the time of Daniel. In fact, it was this chapter, more than any other, that convinced liberal scholars that the Book of Daniel could not have been written during the Babylonian Captivity, but must have been written at the end of the Grecian Period, because of the numerous details which were literally fulfilled in history. In the latter part of the chapter, though, Daniel begins to transport us to the "end times" and the fierce future dictator who is elsewhere called the Antichrist:

Then the king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god, and will speak monstrous things against the God of gods. Daniel 11:36

When the Antichrist thinks he has the entire world under his control, there is a series of revolts beginning with the King of the South and the King of the North. The chapter context identifies these monarchs as from Egypt and Syria, historically, and we can see no reason why they shouldn't be the same in the yet future prophecy.

From what is said, the Antichrist, whose primary capital is Rome, establishes his temporary quarters in Jerusalem. Egypt and Syria then send armies out in revolt against the Antichrist by land and by sea.

Evidently, he is victorious over these two armies, and he has an uncanny knack for taking armies who have marched against him and making them part of his own army.

Subjugation of Israel and neighboring countries

With these rejuvenated forces, the Antichrist goes on the offensive and attacks several countries of the Middle East that may have been sympathetic to the revolt. The nations he rolls over and the ones he passes by are mentioned:

He will also enter the Beautiful Land, and many countries will fall; but these will be rescued out of his hand: Edom, Moab and the foremost of the sons of Ammon. Then he will stretch out his hand against other countries, and the land of Egypt will not escape. But he will gain control over the hidden treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; and Libyans and Ethiopians will follow at his heels. Daniel 11:41-43

The first country the Antichrist secures is Israel, the Beautiful Land.

It is interesting that the Lord calls Israel the Beautiful Land even at a time when it is in its most bleak and dire condition, toward the end of the Time of Jacob's Trouble. To God, Israel is always beautiful, because it is the Land of His covenant, the Land where the Son lived, died and rose again, and it is the Land that will be the center of His Millennial reign on earth. Israel is also a key country during the Tribulation. After all, the Antichrist is attempting to counterfeit the true Millennium, so maintaining control of Jerusalem and Israel is a centerpiece of his overall strategy. From Israel, the Antichrist will proceed to crush several of the surrounding nations in the opening volleys of Armageddon.

More on this subject:

In our next article, we will continue describing the several theaters of conflict involved in the upcoming dreadful saga of Armageddon. Praise the Lord that He has assured us that He will remove us Jews and Gentiles who are in the body of Christ from the earth by means of the Rapture before the Tribulation begins and the great and awesome Day of the Lord descends on the world.

[Click here for Part 3]

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Zola's Bulletin Board

"Lord, I'm Coming Home"

Our next Grand Tour of Israel leaves April 19 and our Deluxe Tour on April 24. Both return on May 4. Following in the Apostle Paul's footsteps, the Grand Tour's Mediterranean cruise includes Mars Hill, Corinth, Patmos, Rhodes, and Ephesus before joining the Deluxe Tour. In Israel, both groups will see all of the major Biblical sites, including the Garden of Gethsemane, the Mount of Olives, the Garden Tomb, the Upper Room, Calvary, the site of the Sermon on the Mount, the Dead Sea and Masada. We will take a boating trip on the Sea of Galilee, and you can be baptized in the Jordan River, just as our Lord was. We will tour Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial and the Israel Museum, where we will see the Dead Sea Scrolls. For your color tour folder, please call Diana at (214) 696-9760 during office hours Central Time or 1-800-WONDERS (966-3377) anytime.

Zola's Sample CD

How can you begin to choose which of Zola's music cassettes and CDs to order? One way is to treat yourself to Zola's Sample CD, a collection of twenty-second samples from each of his songs from seventeen albums. Better yet, from the price of your next purchase of Zola's music, you can deduct the price of Zola's Sample CD. This sample CD is surprisingly entertaining in its own right — an intense, yet relaxing condensation of decades of divine musical inspiration. You can also listen to these samples at www.levitt.com

Web Site of the Month

If you would like the alpha and the omega on our nation's poor media coverage of Israel, then visit www.camera.com, the home page of The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America. With pages dedicated to each of our six largest TV networks and as many leading print publications, you will appreciate that we are living during a "reign of error." Be careful — you may find yourself joining CAMERA's effective team of letter writers in their ongoing campaign to improve the accuracy of what America is told about Israel.

Emergency Travel Expense

Tom McCall Dr. Tom McCall, our senior theologian, fell during our September Israel tour and fractured his ankle. He needed to keep his foot elevated at all times and return home immediately for emergency surgery. Tom, age 62, had been teaching Bible to our passengers and participating in taping footage for our Prophecy 2000 TV series.

Contrary to assurances in September by two Blue Cross representatives, Blue Cross now refuses to reimburse Tom's upgrade to Business Class ($1,028) or the last-minute ticket for his attendant ($3,208). Both Tom's Israeli doctor and Continental Airlines required him to have an attendant.

If you feel led to assist us with the $4,236 of unexpected expenses paid to Continental, then please designate your offering for the McCall Fund. Thanks.

Pines from Norway

Each year, Arafat's Palestinian Authority pretends that they need a Christmas tree, and they ask their friends in Norway for one. There are two things wrong here. First, Israel has 200 million evergreen trees; and second, Moslems don't celebrate Christmas. But each year, Norway tries to deliver the tree, and Israel refuses it simply because most nations must refuse living plants, animals etc., to minimize the likelihood that they will introduce a new disease to which their crops, etc., might be unduly vulnerable. Dear Norway: Israel has enough public relations problems. Please stop your annual charade.

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A Note From Zola

Dear Friends,

As the year ended, there were several sour notes where Israel is concerned. Hillary Clinton's disastrous visit with Arafat's wife, in which the First Lady sat through the most awful cursing of Israel by Mrs. Arafat, demonstrates the complete lack of support of God's Chosen Land by our nation's executive office. Hillary (and Bill) is beyond her depth in coping with Israel, and like everyone else connected with this terrible "peace process," she has her private motives for supporting it.

And then there were the pepper spray, the tear gas, the batons, the masked policemen, the arrests, the street fighting, etc. Do I mean Gaza? Jerusalem? No, it was our own country. The riots in Seattle put anything Israel has ever seen to shame. Thirty thousand people protested, and police brutality was the order of the day. Mayor Paul Schell threatened American citizens with the statement that lawful protest means you have to have a permit. Six hundred people were arrested!

My question is, are we now going to have an elaborate peace process about this problem, and are we going to give 25 states to the protestors?

American violence has always been far worse than anything in Israel, but we just never face that fact. Our earlier history details such violence as a car bomb on Wall Street in 1920 and another bomb thrown at the Morgan Bank during the same period, to say nothing of our bloody history with the Indians and the Civil War. The last war Israel saw was in 1973, and it lasted 2 1/2 weeks. I counted up something like 27 days in all that Israel has been at war since its modern inception in 1948. During that period, our own armies fought in various lands for over ten years! Let's stop pretending that Israel is violent.

The latest fairy tale from Washington is that Israel and Syria are now going to make peace, and that President Clinton has caused a "breakthrough."

It puts me in mind of a joke one of our tour guides sent us from Jerusalem. It seemed that a Jewish fellow opened a Jewish delicatessen and placed a sign in the window saying, "No Arabs allowed." But on the second day, an Arab in full dress came in and ordered a sandwich. The boss wanted to avoid problems, so he simply told the waiter to double the price, thinking the fellow would get the idea. The next day, the customer was back ordering a full lunch. This time, the owner tripled the price. The Arab paid without protest and left a generous tip. He also made a reservation for ten of his friends for supper that evening.

The exasperated owner told the waiter, "All right, serve them, but this time, multiply the check by ten. There must be a way to get through to these people." The Arabs showed up that evening and had a dinner which cost them hundreds of dollars, but again they paid cheerfully and left a good tip.

The next day, the owner placed a new sign in the window: "No Jews allowed."

Now, that's meant to be funny, and I suppose it is, but it actually illustrates a rather tragic point. At a certain level of profit, folks have a way of turning even against their own people, and I'm beginning to have a hunch that there are some in Israel who are doing just that. The Israeli government, by accepting aid packages and so forth from Washington, then turns around and betrays its own settlers, telling them to get off the West Bank so the Palestinians can have the land. What on earth would we have said if people had told us we shouldn't have folks settling land west of, say, the thirteen colonies?

Is it possible that the Clinton administration is buying off an Israeli government, which they certainly helped to elect, and that the Israeli government is almost saying, "No Jews allowed"? The prospect scares me, but there may be some truth to it.

A certain pilgrim was very discouraged with Israel recently. It seemed that the Catholic Church had gone on strike to protest some argument with the Moslems in Nazareth, and a tourist was disappointed with the Church of the Annunciation being closed the day he came.

Sadly, he said of this land of a thousand authentic Biblical sites and 4,000 years of the history of God's people, "The church was the only thing we wanted to see here."

I was going to point out, once again, that peace with Syria is an utter impossibility. This backward dictatorship only awaits the death of its tyrant, and its animosity toward Israel and the rest of civilization is very well known. In the end, I opted to let Cal Thomas say it for me, so please read the cover article.

See the beauty that lives in God's Chosen Land in our new series, "This Is Israel," which will begin airing in March. It conforms to our ministry's main task, telling the truth about the Holy Land to a media-fed world.

And on the subject of Israel, come with us on our Spring Tour. The Deluxe Tour of Israel (April 24 through May 4) will visit all the major Biblical sites, among them Mt. Carmel, Megiddo, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, the Mt. of Beatitudes, the Jordan River, the Western Wall, Mt. of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, the Upper Room, the Garden Tomb, Masada, and the Dead Sea. You will also see the breathtaking Golan Heights, where you will understand the devastating loss it will be to Israel to lose this beautiful land from which comes 30 percent of the country's water supply. Visit the Old City of Jerusalem and see for yourself the effects of the various conquerors on the Holy City. You will leave Israel with a heartfelt knowledge that the Jews are the true inheritors of God's Land, ultimately triumphant over the Romans, the Byzantines, the Crusaders, and any others who try to claim the Land as their own. Our Grand Tour (April 19 through May 4) sees Israel with the Deluxe Tour, but first tours Ephesus, Turkey, and the Greek islands of Patmos, Mykonos, and Rhodes. Enjoy a luxurious cruise while you follow the Apostle Paul's path through Greece and Turkey and see where he taught the Corinthians, Ephesians, and others. Expand and strengthen your Biblical knowledge and understanding while sailing some of the world's most beautiful waters aboard a "floating luxury hotel." Come with us to rejoice in the lands of the Bible.

And remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

Your messenger,


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Letters to Zola

Dear Zola Levitt,
          Thank you, thank you, thank you. (Three times; I really mean it!)
          Your ministry is unique and so much enjoyed by me. I like the Jewish/Judaism information and explanation. I like the secular news pertaining to our spiritual life. I like the Gentile aspect and the Christian doctrine — (or Jesus' doctrine) and the Messianic Jews who believe...
          I understand your concern with theology gone wrong, the land of Israel being given away piece by piece, and the world's view of Israel being the culprit to peace.
          I enjoy your TV program, and now I will enjoy your books, etc.
          I believe your effort in keeping truthful and informative is outstanding — don't be discouraged or dissuaded to do all you can do. I hear the voice of one who is concerned about the souls of the world — and I see the tremendous work you do. Do all with joy, knowing that eternal peace and rest awaits the man (or woman) who endures till the end, who says as Mordecai did to Esther — "our help comes from another place" — the world can't help us — but the God above can and will — may He give you strength and energy to continue on...


Dear Zola,
          If anyone had any doubt about your sincerity, it was erased by your answer to C.A.B. regarding his cancellation of your speaking engagement.
          May God bless you for your determination to serve the Lord with truth even though it may not win you a popularity contest. The truth of the Scriptures and the simplicity of Christ is far more important than the approval of man.


Dear Brother Zola:
          ...I felt compelled to respond to a letter written by M.C. in the October issue of the Levitt Letter. In his letter, M.C. makes several attempts at discrediting your statements about the Jews needing to "study" the word of our God, rather than just "reading" the words (a point that should be taken by more than just the Jews). However, the attempt of M.C. to discredit your statements serves only to emphasize your point. The issue M.C. raised concerning your knowledge of the Jewish scriptures and challenging you to debate with an "average yeshiva student" reminds me of the time when our Lord debated with the "scholars" of old concerning their knowledge of the Scriptures. They had the "book knowledge" but had no "understanding" of the meaning of the Scriptures. I believe understanding comes with time, diligent study and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, not by how many years one has attended, or even IF one has attended, some religious school...


Dear Zola:
          Your front page of the October 1999 Levitt Letter had an interesting column by Cal Thomas called "The Middle East Spin Cycle." I found it especially interesting that he compared Israel's enemies "to a wild animal" and that this "beast won't be satisfied until he has it all ..." Did Mr. Thomas mean to borrow so heavily from Revelation? Just a thought . . .
          Thanks for all you do and for letting me be a part of your ministry.

Yours in Christ,

Cal Thomas is the most Biblically well-read news columnist I've ever met, and I've met a few. I'm glad you enjoyed the article.
— Zola

Dear Zola:
          Toda! [Thank you!] I just finished reading your November newsletter. I enjoyed it as usual. I was encouraged with your words concerning Precept Bible Study with Kay Arthur. I am a current Precept leader and have been a student of the Word since my salvation seven years ago. Kay has a deep love for Israel and the Jews, and she passes that along to all under her ministry. God is doing an awesome work in my heart concerning the Jews. After studying Revelation for two years and then a topical study on Covenant, God has given me a deep love for Israel and God's Chosen People. I don't fully understand it. But I weep for Jerusalem and for the Jews. I recently had the privilege of meeting and spending some time with Marty Goetz, a Messianic Jewish gospel singer, and shared my heart with him concerning this. He encouraged me by telling me that is God's heart, so why wouldn't it be mine, too! Good point! God is teaching me in many ways concerning Y'rushalayim. I have learned a lot from your teachings. Thanks for your ministry of being a light to the Gentiles. I am thankful that I have been grafted in. A watchman on the walls...

For Zion's sake,

Dear B.T.,
          Ms. Arthur, who has appeared on our program twice, certainly has a wonderful heart for Israel, and so has Marty Goetz, who recorded our album "Faith in the Fire." I should also say a word for BSF — Bible Study Fellowship — which also teaches Scripture accurately, verse by verse. I have long advocated attendance at one of these fine groups, which meet weekly in many cities, especially if you must attend a church in which the Bible teaching is weak.


Dear Zola Levitt Ministries:
          Just finished reading the December letter from Zola. I am so thankful for the information on Pat Buchanan. My husband and son are fine Christian men, and they have been taken in by Pat. My spirit has never connected with this man, and I feel that he is an opportunist and very deceitful. He can make you think he is a Christian and will get this country back to God, but I don't think so!
          I'm going to let my husband and son read the Buckley report. If this doesn't open their eyes, then GOD WILL HAVE TO OPEN THEIR EYES. Thank you for publishing this. I watch Zola on TV and appreciate his sharing his knowledge from a Jewish standpoint. I love the Jewish people, and I pray that many more will accept Christ as their Messiah before the Rapture occurs. (And I don't think it will be too far in the future.) "Come quickly, Lord"... but until then, we must be about our Father's business.

Thank you and God bless your ministry!

Dear G.G.,
          The Buckley report on Buchanan's anti-Semitism was certainly eye-opening, but it's easy enough to judge this man's insincerity. He has almost a sneer on his face as he tries to back off from his pro-Nazi statements and his disgusting criticisms of the Jews in Israel. Like Hillary Clinton, Buchanan has private reasons for pretending to run for high office. Our Lord said, "Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice..." (John 18:37)

— Zola

Dear Zola:
          I just finished reading the editorial in the October Newsletter titled "Conversion Controversy." It puzzles me as to why the Jewish community would be so concerned about Christians praying for Jews to accept Christ. If we have truly accepted a false Messiah, as they think, then why would God listen to us anyway? You see, if we are wrong, and Jesus isn't the Messiah, then they should have no fear that God would cause any Jew to convert to Christianity no matter how hard we might pray. So, why should they be worried? You see, God only answers the prayers of believers (unless it's a prayer of repentance).
          Seems to me that the Jews who are protesting the loudest are a little unsure about the strength of their faith. Christians don't object or protest evangelization coming from the cults because we know that any true believer who is grounded in God's Word would never accept what they teach anyway. Jesus will never lose a single soul that the Father has given Him. We are to protect people from their evangelizing by telling them the truth, not by shutting them off.
          I am not a Southern Baptist, but I will continue to pray that the Jews will accept their Messiah.

Keep up the good work.

Thanks, J.F. I couldn't have said it better myself.
— Zola

Dear Zola:
          Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
          I just completed reading the October 1999 "Levitt Letter." I want to compliment you on the quality, honesty, and integrity of the Levitt Letter. Your inclusion in the letter of opposing views demonstrates integrity. I have been listening to your ministry since 1979 and have been blessed by it. Most of the controversy you face from opposing views has to do with a lack of knowledge of the Bible, i.e., God's instruction book to mankind and to each human individually. The majority of Church members do not spend time reading the Bible, much less studying it as God has commanded us to. God commanded us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6), not debate about who has a right to it or the Land. The word "peace" in Hebrew means well, happy, friendly, whole, complete, prosperous. God said the Jews were to have Israel and laid out its boundaries in His Word, and that should settle it for all true Christians. My calling as a Christian and child of God is to obey God. So I turn to Numbers 6 and pray verses 24-27 for Jerusalem, Israel and all the children of Israel. After visiting Israel with you in 1985, I thank God every day that the Chosen People have the Land and will have it from now on despite Clinton, Europe, the Pope and the Arabs trying to displace them. Jesus said we were either with Him or against Him. These folks are fighting God, and guess who is going to win? God lost all the popular votes in the Bible and He continues to lose them now, but that does not alter His plans and purposes.
          Jesus left a throne and took on a body, walked this earth, took the sins of the world, died, spent three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (hell) so I would not have to, went to heaven and prepared a home for me. I accepted God's gift of His life so I could be reconciled with God. It would be a sad meeting in heaven with my Lord if my report card shows I did not have time to read the Bible in light of His sacrifice. Those who want to debate with God have not really made Jesus "The Lord" of their lives. They claim to be Christians — "Christ-like" — but are not what they claim to be. They will be the ones described in Matthew 25:41-45.
          May the Lord bless you and the ministry, and keep up the good work.

Yours in Christ,

Dear Zola,
          ...I am today sending you some of our tithe money that is owed to God from our family from this past year. I have saved up the tithe and decided after much direction and contemplating search to give you tithe money...
          ...I think that now that I am 50 years old and am mostly a regular sinner who often needs to repent, that I need to get closer to God and look for His guidance in my daily life. Getting closer to God means not only saving more time to study the Bible to learn about God's will for me, but saving more time out to responding to people like you, Zola, who have God's anointing on them.
          Zola, I am sorry that you have to receive letters that have a hateful and degrading overtone from so-called commandment-abiding Christians. That must be one of the heavy burdens you must bear in your anointed walk with God. I will remember you in prayer and will pray that God will give you the strength to be lifted up to expound God's plan for Israel, the Chosen Land for God's Chosen Jewish People.
          Do remember, Zola, that you are an anointed leader by God to bless us all with your keen insight and information that only God could endlessly fill you with. God will work through you what He wants you to say and do to get the information out on our world crisis regarding the division and takeover of Israel's land which the Jewish people are trying to keep hold of. God will deal with all people regarding the precious land of Israel pretty soon, and I think that we better get ready for that part.
          Thank you for giving us the kind of newsletter that you publish and send to us because there is none like your newsletter in the world right now...
          ...Jewish people are being helped by you, Zola, and you are bringing to light why we are serving God until Jesus returns from the clouds. Zola, your heart is bigger than mine. You do have a heart. And do not let anyone tell you that you are not a man of God. I think some people are jealous of you. You are a Jewish Christian who has an anointing by God and you are admired by people all over the world. You are a man of favor with God. Be proud of yourself and thank you for having such patience with us.

In Friendship,

Dear R.M.
          Please don't cancel my membership among the imperfect people just yet. I do realize that I have the privilege of being a spokesman for Israel and the Jewish people, but other than that, I'm just like you (except I'll never see 50 again, nor even 60!). All that you said about the need to get closer to God goes for me, too, and for every one of our Christian so-called leaders. If we are correct to Scriptural standards, we will realize that there are no important Christians; some are busier than others. Your letter was most heartening, and I thank you.

— Zola

Zola Levitt
PO Box 12268
Dallas, TX 75225-0268

MARKETING DEPARTMENT: I hope you can see that Mr. Levitt gets this letter. Thanks.

Dear Zola Levitt:
          I enjoyed reading your book, Broken Branches: Has the Church Replaced Israel?, which I had ordered from Lederer distributors. The more books like this, the better, in my opinion. I was sorry when your book ended. I could have read one on its subject 300 pages long.
          Though I'm a Gentile Christian, I believe in these latter days it's very important for the Body of Christ to truly be One in Christ, as the epistle to the Romans states again and again. Your work helps further that Godly cause. In fact, you were probably one of the first to do so.
          I also like your television show. I watch it on TBN whenever I can, and enjoy hearing your perspective on how latter days prophecy and events of our time mesh, as well as the Bible's history. You and the others on your program also have a great talent for music!

          I didn't agree entirely, though, with one thing you said recently on your program: That Gentile Christians who care deeply about Israel or the Jews in general (or are simply fair-minded, which would probably be enough) most likely have some Jewish genealogy somewhere in their backgrounds (I am paraphrasing your statement). I don't disagree much with this — I would be proud if I did have Jewish genealogy, and I believe millions of Gentiles have some, considering the Diaspora and later assimilation. But your general statement goes along with a myth which people who hate Jews in general already perpetuate: That "Jew-lovers" must be Jewish and not Gentile, or both. This causes fear of even associating with Jewish people among cowardly Christians who have the wrong priorities and the unsaved.
          But, I know that, of course, you didn't mean it this way, since you don't hate Jews, being Jewish yourself and a true Christian/believer.
          Please forgive me for even mentioning this; I only thought it might help to see one "WASP" Christian's perspective on it — one who grew up in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia in the 1960s and 70s. As a child, I had overheard (but not from my relatives) all the "Jew-haters," the latter-day "Assyrians" — of whom Replacement Theology adherents are a part — arguments, and this kind of statement was one of them.
          What compelled Ruth to be loyal to Naomi? They had the same God.
          Please send me a list or catalog so I can order more of your materials — though my pockets won't be deep enough, I'm sure, to equal my wishes! Please ask your marketing department to send the list to the address below. Thank you.


Dear R.U.
          The "Marketing Department" consists of my valued assistant, Becky. I'm afraid our ministry is what you saw in the Christmas picture: 10 people working long hours and having a lot of fun. We really don't have "departments." As to your more serious point, I certainly didn't mean to be dogmatic about this idea. It just seems to me that people coming from a common background have yearnings associated with that background, and since the ten lost tribes migrated into Gentile areas, and evidently intermarried there, there is some Jewish heritage around we're not quite aware of. Beyond that, I'm just guessing like anyone else. But I always have been fascinated by the fact that some people in a given denomination will be deeply concerned about Israel, and others, standing right beside them, will consider Israel irrelevant. I've been working on that question most of my life.

— Zola

Schroeder's Views

Gerald Schroeder In answer to many letters that we are still getting about Gerald Schroeder's idea of the six days and 15 billion years being the same time period, please know that we refer these letters straight to Schroeder for his possible replies. I do not feel personally competent to evaluate different theories of cosmology and origins. We simply presented Schroeder's views as new and challenging. We did not present young earth views because we have all been taught that previously. Letters accusing Schroeder of being an evolutionist we simply have discarded. He must have said ten times on that program how opposed he was to evolution. Thanks.

— Zola

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You can have every ZOLA LEVITT PRESENTS program that we broadcast during 2000 for only $499, including shipping. Beyond our new and rerun television series, which will come to you as sets in artistically designed packaging, you'll receive the in-between pro-grams that other viewers will have to special order. We plan to ship at the end of each series, so you should receive five to six shipments during the year. Why not make this subscription a tax-deductible gift to your church and share Zola with your entire congregation?

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Piercing the Future — Prophecy and the New Millennium

What does the new millennium hold for planet earth? Your future has been told thousands of years in advance. There is, however, only one source to rely on as 100% accurate in foretelling things to come. Piercing the Future examines that source and its many predictions while we move into and through this most exciting time in human history. Nineteen authorities in the field of prophecy, including Zola, carefully examine the past, present and future and help you "pierce the future" in many a thought-provoking understanding of what lies ahead for you and those you love in this dawning millennium and beyond.

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