Zola Levitt
- My Story, The history of Zola Levitt Ministries
- First Fruits and The Seven Feasts of Israel
- Israel, Earth’s Lightning Rod, “Foreshocks of Antichrist” book chapter
- Foreshadows of Wrath book chapter
- Enter the Antichrist book chapter
- End Times Prophecy Events

Dr. Thomas McCall, Senior Theologian
- The history of the modern state of Israel
- Jerusalem — The Burdensome Stone
- Gershon Salomon & The Temple Mount Faithful: An Interview
- A Tour with Zola: Visiting the Land of Israel
- Plans for Genuine Peace
- From Gaza To Eternity
- Why Satan believes he must destroy Israel… and why it will never happen
- The Language of the Gospel
- Was Luke a Gentile?
- The feeding of the 4,000 — Were they Gentiles?
- The Mystery of the Date of Pentecost
- Palestine vs. Israel as the Name of the Holy Land
- Rosh HaShana: The New Year — A Type of the Rapture of the Church
Bible Interpretation
- Israel and the Church: the Differences
- What is the Olive Tree?
- Can the Nazi holocaust murderers be forgiven?
- The Israeli Invitational: Israel’s Amazing Power to Invite the Messiah Back
- Code of Silence About Israel and the Jews
- Who Owns the Land?
- A proper Biblical D.I.E.T.
- What Advantage has the Jew?

Dr. Todd Baker, Staff Theologian
- Has God Forgiven the Nazis for the Holocaust?
- The Doctrine of Progressive Dispensationalism
- “His blood be upon us…” — Matthew 27:25 and the Jewish People
Missionary Trips to Israel

Mark Levitt, Business Manager
A Note from Mark
“Wise as a Serpent” series
- Buying a Home
- Home Ownership vs. Renting
- Avoid Reverse Mortgages
- Averting “Rent House Hell”
- Owning or Renting? 6 Factors/Amazing Arithmetic
- Richer by Renting?
- Times—They are a-Changin’
- Back to Reverse Mortgages
Social Security
- Securing Social Security Benefits
- Maximizing Social Security
- Don’t Think ‘Carpe Diem’ on Social Security
- Sidestepping Your “Friendly” Stockbroker
- The Lowdown on Stockbrokers
- Comments from a Dove
- A Fox Guarding the Henhouse
- Stockbrokers
- The Fiduciary Myth
- Of Muppets, Serpents, & Sharks
- Don’t Be A Pocket Buyer
- A Book Review: The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need
- Saving, Spending, and Investing
- Scott Burns Answers Two Questions
- SEC Woes… Lazy Portfolios
- Cooling Gold Fever
- Not Having Seizures about Caesars Scandal
- Riding the Ocean
- Rushing Away from Gold
- A Pet Rock (owning Gold)
- Annuities—Good or Bad?
- Wall Street: Still a Dark Alley
- Live for Today, Save for Tomorrow
- Easing Retirement Apprehensions
- Retiring Your Nursing Home Concerns
- Medicare Deadline: Dec. 7
- Rules of Thumb
- 7 Survival Principles
- The Dove’s Reserve
- Pearls for College Girls
- Classic Stewardship Tips
- First World Stewardship
- Timeshares: Just Say “No!”
- Depression AssetBuilders
- Banks Seek Customers’ Help To Stop Online Thieves
- Quelling Identity Theft Paranoia
- Terror Group Gets ‘A’ Rating From Better Business Bureau?
- Cross Training at The J (Try it; you’ll like it!)
- “I’m a Prepper; You’re a Prepper…”
- Carte Blanche on Marital Bliss
- The Truth About Wealth
- Food for Thought
- Your Best Bet…
- 7 Dangerous Money Myths