Sharing some pictures I took
Shalom from Texas! I must admit it is good to be in my own home after so many hotels and B&B’s. Thank you all for the prayers and emails.
The trip back to Dallas was very uneventful, for a change. Planes were on time, luggage was right at the weight limit, and the pecan pie was all eaten.
I am sharing with you some pictures that I took. They are of Zvi, our head guide, at the Israel Museum; Will and I at Tell Dan; Joni, our second guide, at Bet Shen; and Jeff, as we are filming. I thought you would like to see us in Israel.
The June tour is just around the corner!
- Jeff, as we are filming
- Joni, our second guide, at Bet Shen
- Will and Sandra at Tell Dan
- Zvi, our head guide, at the Israel Museum
April 17th, 2008 at 11:24 am
Pictures are always so much fun, they are great. Love the one with Jeff in front of the gate, can almost feel the sunshine. Joni looks like a lot of fun, and Zvi is really into his lecture. The picture of you and Will is great, how good God is to you. All God’s best to you and yours. Shalom. Dixie
May 6th, 2008 at 9:07 pm
Hello Sandra,
Thank you so much for the pictures…..they are very interesting and makes one realize what we miss by not being there…..Thank you for being there and bringing wonderful Israel closer to us….God bless all of you for your endeavors…..I know you are a blessing to all your contacts over there…..God bless each one of you.
Shalom, Dortha
May 6th, 2009 at 3:07 pm
Thank you for sharing the pictures of Israel. They look great. Please keep up the good work doing the Lord’s work. 🙂