Zola is having daily radiation treatments and has magic marker “cross-hairs” drawn on his body that they use for aiming. He will start weekly chemo treatments on Fridays, starting tomorrow. He’s getting more tired, but then they filmed five TV episodes this week also.
The radiation technician said Zola was the happiest patient he’s seen in that lab. Most are angry and tend to take it out on the technicians. Zola just doesn’t see a reason to be angry—this may just be a promotion by God.
Tags: cancer
February 24th, 2006 at 8:36 pm
Dear Zola , I just logged on to check into a possible tour for next year. It will be the twentith anniversery of my marrige to my husband Stewart. This was our plan to see the holy land to commemorate our special day and we hope to spend it with you . You have been a special teacher and insperation to to me for many years. I pray that God sees fit to keep you around till we can all go together in the rapture. “(Standing in the Garden of Gethsemane) if I had my choice”….any way my prayers are with you and your family. “God’s Blessings be with you”
Cynthia Gooding
February 24th, 2006 at 9:09 pm
Dearest Zola, I just found out this morning at 4:30 am about your cancer. I’ve never met you in person but the sadness that I feel is as if this was happening to my father. I’ve learned so much from you and you played such a vital role in the beginning of my Messianic walk and in my Hebrew learning. You and your ministry mean so much to me.
Yeshua healed me from cancer in 1995 when I was pregnant with my youngest daughter and I could receive no treatment for my stage III cancer. It was truly a miraculous healing and that’s what I’m praying for you. If it’s Abba’s will to take you home then I pray for Him to help us deal with the pain and grief that we’re going to be left with because though we’ll be glad for you that you’ll be Home with Abba, we will miss you SOOOO very much! I will continue to support your ministry, now more than ever……
praying for a miracle,
Aly Singer
February 24th, 2006 at 9:24 pm
Dear Zola:
I just found out. Remember: All things are possible with God.
I am praying and believing that you will be healed in the name of Jesus.
I believe God needs you here….and so do we. Jessica
February 24th, 2006 at 9:47 pm
Brother Zolla,
I love you from afar. Please know that I am praying continually to Our Lord, that it be His will for you to have many, many more fruitful years. Let’s both hang until The Rapture. I pray that your faith will continue to increase, as mine has over the years; influenced by your teachings. Regardless of my mood, I can now tune in to your broadcast via the Internet, and be soothed by your words, encouraged by your teachings, humored by your wit, humbled by your knowledge, uplifted by your experiences, marvel at your showing of Israel. Please continue to fight the good fight, run the race and keep the faith. I will do the same. Your ministry has my financial commitment as long as The Lord gives me breath. Maybe one day I could meet you. Buy you lunch and a round of golf. I will be praying for that too! May God continue to bless you, your family and your ministry. I love you Zolla. Shalom
February 24th, 2006 at 10:38 pm
The young wife of Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch had fallen ill, and the doctors were unanimous in their opinion that there was no hope of recovery.
When her father-in-law, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch, was told of the doctors’ verdict, he said: The Talmud specifically derives from the Torah that, “A physician is allowed to heal”; but nowhere has a doctor been given the authority to condemn a human being as incurable…
From Parshah In Depth
February 24th, 2006 at 10:42 pm
Dear Zola,
I pray you know that you are loved and a blessing to us all. May God’s healing love be upon you during this time and may He comfort you and your family. You can not imagine the wisdom the Holy Spirit has given me through you. Because of your teachings, my love for Israel has grown and I pray for peace in Jerusalem always. He has done mighty wonders through you, and for this I am thankful. You are loved beyond messure. My prayers, thoughts, and thankfulness go out to you. May God keep you, bless you, heal you, love you, comfort you and cradle you in His Most Loving Arms.I feel like I know you. I do know that one day soon, we will meet. I feel it in the air, I see it in the signs. I know He is coming Soon. Peace my Brother. And God Speed. Kelly
February 24th, 2006 at 11:21 pm
Years ago, you brought a lesson to our Bible class and we attended a seder where you gave meaning to the Passover feast for our family. Since that time we have been so blessed with your television programs and many videos and books. We have a love for Israel and you opened the door to so much of our continuous love of prophecy.
Our prayers are with you and are praying for you healing, and praying for your family and staff members at this time. May the Lord’s love surround you all and know many prayers are being offered to the throne of God in your behalf. Blessings and peace to you from Jeanne and Don Smith and Family
February 25th, 2006 at 2:13 am
This news is heart-wrenching. We praise God for the truth you bring to the world through your television programs and the Levitt Letter. We are praying for you and your family and all who love you.
February 26th, 2006 at 5:56 pm
May God have His healing hand upon you. His will prevail! In Christ, Gail Morris
February 26th, 2006 at 7:04 pm
Dear Zola:
I am at a loss for words! Cancer, in you, wow! My precious Heavenly Father I pray that you would look down on your servant Zola, and look after him. Touch him Lord, Please! If you want to take him home to be with you, please not with cancer! He has so much work to do Lord, spare him.
Zola is such a blessing to many people all around the world. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!
Get well my special friend, BTW I was born in Texas too!
February 26th, 2006 at 8:37 pm
Dear Zola,
I was deeply hurt to hear about your codition. We have never met but my family has followed and supported your ministry as best we could through the years. Your passion has been our passion, first the Jew then the Gentile. We are Gentile and have recently become members at Beth Hallel in Atlanta Ga. A Messianic Jewish Synagogue. It was because of your Letters that finaly led me to this place of worship where we will pray for you and your family. I personally hope that you are here to continue the fight for Israel in a the way I have known you fight. Our Lord Yeshua be with you and Bless you.
February 26th, 2006 at 9:33 pm
Dear Brother Zola, How you have blessed us with your rich teaching and by having such wonderful guests on your program. We love you and we love Israel. I have prayed that, just now, the wind of God would move upon you, breath His presence into you and make you whole. May the Holy Spirit fill you to overflowing with the very presence of God. In the name above every name, Jesus, may you be made whole. Amen
February 27th, 2006 at 11:11 am
Dear Zola
I was astonished by the news of your illness and greatly saddened! My husband, Mike, and I have been “with you” for many years and even after living in 5 different states.
We want you to “stay with us” longer and will petition the Lord for this time.You have taught us so much about the Jewish roots of our Faith.
Be of good cheer, our dear friend….
Prayers and blessings
February 28th, 2006 at 7:25 am
I just heard about Zola Levitt yesterday via a World Net Daily item on World Ministries International website.
I believe Zola’s “sickness” is NOT from our Lord, Jesus. Not being familiar with this medium of response, I used your Bulletin Board to post encouragement. Now, here’s a repeat for Zola directly!
I have prayed for you and will continue to until you’re healed in this life! Please get a copy of Dr. Rebecca Brown’s book “He Came to set the Captives Free”.
Our Father, wants labourers in the ripened fields, not shepherds in hospitals. Please fight this “condition” in the name of our Master, Yeshua, the Good Shepherd, The Great Physician, our Healer.
February 28th, 2006 at 10:48 am
I have watched your beautiful programs for years and appreciate all of your love and dedication to your Savior and to your viewers. Thank you so much for the Levitt Letter which I enjoy very much for all of the information you include in it. I am so very sorry for your medical problems right now. You and your family and your staff are in my prayers. Thank you for all of your years of dedication to Jesus our Lord. God’s abundant blessings to you! Sharon
February 28th, 2006 at 6:44 pm
Prayerful and loving thoughts wending their way to your bedside. I give thanks to my Father God that He allowed me to be so blessed by your awesome ministry. God bless you my precious friend and brother in Jesus.
March 6th, 2006 at 8:39 pm
I was so shocked when I read the news on the website, and immediately posted a prayer request on a prayer and praise board that I’m associated with. It’s called 1 Accord and most of the women on there are cancer survivors and some are still fighting the good fight. You and your family and ministry will be in our prayers. We’re praying for your healing, but also that God’s perfect will be done. I’ve so appreciated your programs for many years and have learned so much from your teachings.
Ann Odom
Chireno, Texas
March 14th, 2006 at 1:27 am
My Dear Zola,I hope this isn’t too selfish for anyone, but you just can’t go, not yet. Who will do what you do? There is not another Zola, I know the Lord has His plans and He will do what He pleases, ( the Lord is good no matter what) but I need you too, we all do. My heart IS broke,I cannot stop crying, I saw you on your show, I dont want you to go. I dont care about opinions or what anyone thinks, I cant bear the thought of you gone from this world, where will I go Sunday or Thursday night? Knowing Zola is not getting ready for a trip to Israel, the Florida Holy Land, readying his Levitt Letter, whatever you do everyday,knowing you’re not here is more than I can take. Please forgive me, but there’s just NO ONE like you Zola. Period. I’m begging the Lord to let you stay, I’m sorry if this sounds childish, after all you are my spiritual father figure. (human spiritual father figure). Nevertheless, I’m praying diligently for your full recovery in the MOST PRECIOUS NAME OF JESUS. I’m also praying for your wonderful family. And rest assured no matter what happens Zola Levitt Ministries has my complete support. With all my love, support, and prayers Cyl Turner
March 20th, 2006 at 10:42 am
When I heard your news all I could say was “No,No.” emphatically as my intercessory prayer for you. I’ve put you on our prayer list at Trinity Church here in Jonesboeo, Arkansas. We know that by Jesus’ stripes you ARE HEALED. As the Happy Hunters taught us, we tell the good cells in your body to digest the bad cells. It is God’s will that you be blessed and be in good health.
By your awesome, annointed teaching you have made inroads into the “enemy’s camp” and he is seeking revenge. He is a DEFEATED FOE. He’s a looser. You are a “Royal Priest” walking in your calling, teaching the world about God’s Chosen People. I’ll continue to lift you up to the Throne Room in prayer. Please receive your healing. You have courageously spoken the truth all these years; please don’t get weary now. Please remain courageous.
We need you. I love you. I’m your age but you are like a spiritual father to me. I look forward to watching your every program. As Director of a crisis pregnancy center, I stand for LIFE. Life is valuable at both ends of the spectrum and in between.
As an intercessor, I plan to stand for your life. Jesus is coming soon. I’ll see you in the Rapture!
April 9th, 2006 at 2:41 pm
Dear Zola,
Our hearts ache and we are so sorry. I agree with the many beautiful comments that have been posted. But I want to take this space to voice that your “Faithfulness is Alive and Well”.
I must let you know that your insights from God’s Word will live on. My husband is a minister and since we discovered your TV program in the 80’s, we have learned and marveled at the new insights. We have also shared it with our congragation in Bible Studies, sermons,and of course got them listening to your TV programs.
You have been in our prayers and we will continue. We pray that the Lord will see that your work is not done here on this earth, but if he sees different . . . we know what your address will be and we will soon look you up again.
August 3rd, 2009 at 4:34 am
I just found you my dear brother,Zola…had just found you this evening,while scanning through the TV stations. I know we are in the last days and was feeling anxious. I decided to go on line and order your newsletter when I learned that you had passed from this world to be with our Lord, which saddened me deeply. I believe God led me to you, even in your passing as you are now with Him and doing a marvelous work from above as well as you did from below. Our Lord is using you even now, to help reach out and comfort us. With my deepest Respect and Love, may you Rest in Peace with our Saviour for ever more, Carolyn