Zola is handling the chemtherapy well. It’s a bit draining but he’s basically still fine. He hasn’t had any real problems from the chemo as of yet (stomach sickness, appetite loss, etc.).
Also, they say that while he may loose some hair from the chemo and radiation, his beard should remain!
Tags: cancer
March 1st, 2006 at 7:14 am
Dear Zola Levitt Staff: Thank you so much for the update on Zola’s condition. I check the website every day hoping for news. I continue to pray for Zola’s recovery and healing. I also pray for God’s comfort to Zola his wife, children and his faithful ministry staff. Bless you all…Marietta Redman
March 1st, 2006 at 8:22 am
Dear Zola & Family…
I decided to order some materials and donate this morning to the ministry and was shocked at the news about our precious brother in Christ. He is strong in the Lord and will be about the Father’s business as long as there is life in him. I will continue to rejoice with you and believe for his miracle. He has been telling us that “it won’t be long until Yeshua comes anyway….” WHAT HOPE!
March 1st, 2006 at 8:48 am
Dear Zola, Family and Staff,
Thank you for the daily updates and your faithfulness to all of us. We pray for Zola, his family, the faithful staff and for the comfort/peace only G_d can give. Zola’s ministry has touched many lives and we love him dearly.
G_d Bless you all! In HIS Hands,
Sharon Williamson
March 1st, 2006 at 9:05 am
Dear Zola, Family and Friends,
“Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thess 5:17,18
Cyndi Kirkland
March 1st, 2006 at 9:48 am
Thank you for the update. We continue to lift Zola up in prayer, as well as his family, friends and staff. “Depend on the Lord; trust Him and He will take care of you.” Ps. 37:5 SHALOM
March 1st, 2006 at 10:30 am
I heard the news on a news site on the web of Zola and was very shocked! Zola, I keep you, your family, and this ministry in my prayers and support. I always wanted to go to Israel with you to hear you share your wisdom of the land. If you should get “promoted”, I guess I’ll have to wait till I get “promoted” so you can take me on the Grand Tour! At least then we won’t have to rush through the sites, but take our time and I can ask plenty of questions.
March 1st, 2006 at 11:08 am
An attack of the enemy. But G-d is GREATER! My family and I are praying for you Zola as well as for your family and ministry. I feel like I’ve only just met you these last six months through your newsletters and television program…I wish I had found you years ago! What a blessing you are and will continue to be! We are praying for a miracle! May G-d strengthen and encourage you all.
March 1st, 2006 at 12:53 pm
I continue to look for updates on Brother Zola’s condition,which I learned about from an email from Jews for Jesus. He, his family, and the ministry are all in my prayers. I have learned so much from his insights into the Middle East situation, his boldness to say it, and his uncommon common sense.
March 1st, 2006 at 5:42 pm
I love you, Zola. You know better than anyone that the Bride’s days on earth are numbered so don’t let down your guard — keep looking upward! The Shofar is about to announce our departure from the frailties of this life… to a time when cancer will be trampled under our brand new, perfected, GLORIFIED feet!!! Save me a dance at the Marriage Supper will ya??
March 1st, 2006 at 6:29 pm
Dear Zola and Family,
Oh how I pray you will be here when Yeshua returns. I want to hear him say to you “well done my good and faithful servant.”
We love you and pray for your complete recovery.
March 1st, 2006 at 6:52 pm
Dear Zola,
You are such an inspiration to us and thousands like us. You are now on a journey
that may not be easy to travel, IF, you didn’t know JESUS. I am a nurse and care for
patients with cancer of many types. This is difficult at times but God gives me strength
to care for them and share HIS word. I had a dream last night that God was there at the end
of a lane with out stretched arms and said welcome home my true and faithful servant. We know
in our hearts that is a very honest and true statement especially for you. We pray for you
to have healing and your family to have comfort, strength during this time.
Witnesses for Christ,
Paul & cathy
March 1st, 2006 at 8:07 pm
I will keep you in my prayers, Thank God for you, and soon we will all be together.
March 1st, 2006 at 8:28 pm
NU Zola? Let me wish you a Refuah Shleimah(complete recovery) from one Hebrew Cristian to another. We,your viewers and students,aren’t quite ready to give you up quite so soon…May yours be the miraculous sign(a total cure)The Yiddish blessing goes:For 120 years and in good health. Best wishes my TV friend.
March 1st, 2006 at 9:25 pm
Dear Zola,
My friends and I will keep you in prayer, that you make a FULL recovery. We love you and your ministry very much. Your program is the ONLY spiritual program I watch. I have learned so much from you and your staff and know that God will cause all things to work together for good for you.
March 1st, 2006 at 9:40 pm
Dear Zola,
I appreciate you and your family (who lift you ever high in prayer). The teachings of this
ministry are illuminating.
I have been a nurse for many years and have seen miracles happen.
Thank you for your service/ministry.
March 1st, 2006 at 9:44 pm
I am overwhelmed by this news. I had not stopped praising Jehovah-Rapha for Zola’s recovery from his surgery…and now this. Zola’s work and his newsletters have meant so much to me as I began my walk as a new believer almost three years ago. I know, I know El Shaddai is in control, but how much needs to be done here before Yeshua the Bridegroom returns…I pray He leaves us Zola just a while longer. He is truly a man of God. Jehovah-Rapha, I pray that you heal his body. Please, Beloved God! Give us a miracle here…Zola, you are loved and respected. I look forward to meeting you and talking with you..if not here on this earth, then at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.
God Bless you, your family and your staff…….Julia Cutler
March 2nd, 2006 at 12:02 am
My Dear Zola and Family,
My prayers are with you each day my dear brother….Thank you Lord for giving us Zola for all these years….He has brought all of us closer to you Lord….Lean on His everlasting arms Zola….He is your strength.
Thank you for keeping us posted, we watch each day…God bless each one of you there working behind the scenes…..The Lord is with you.
March 2nd, 2006 at 12:08 am
Thank you for the update.
Praying, praying! “With His stripes, we are/were healed.” Isaiah 53, Peter.
March 2nd, 2006 at 1:08 am
Has anyone started a 24 hour prayer vigil for Zola and his family.
Anyone interested? With folks on all coasts we can lift them up!
March 2nd, 2006 at 1:39 am
I was rocked to my core when I read the news of Zola’s health. First I cried. Then I was mad at Satan for quite a while and I’ll will continue to rebuke him. Now I’m praying. Me and my family and church are in prayer for you. I want to say that I’ve been a Christian all of my life, and I’ve heard many ministers, preachers, etc . . . NOBODY has ever impacted my walk with the Lord like Zola. I know that I do not know Zola in person, but this is very personal for me. I will lift him and his family up in prayer every moment. My Christian brother, you are always in my heart and thoughts. Stay strong in the Lord and the power of His Might!!! -Kerri
March 2nd, 2006 at 7:15 am
When Hezekiah learned from Isaiah that he had a fatal illness, Hezekiah prayed, “LORD remember how I have walked faithfully with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.” I have been praying that on behalf of Zola. Though he may be promoted, our world will be greatly diminished if he leaves us. Few men speak out for Yashua, for Israel, and against Islam as Zola does. May the LORD be merciful to us and allow him to remain with us. He has had an immense impact in my family’s life. We need his voice in this world! He’s the one who taught me “SHA-ALU SHALOM YIRUSHALAYIM.” Now I pray that prayer every day and have taught my students to do so also. We will keep praying!!
March 2nd, 2006 at 7:22 am
When we first read of Zola’s cancer, we were shocked! When I felt tears coming down my face, it reminded me of when I first heard of our daughter’s cancer in JUly 2001. She received both treatments, like Zola, for full a year. She lost all of her hair and was quite sick at times; but still maintained a full-time job. Knowing that Yeshua was right there with her gave her the ability to make it day-by-day. She is now cancer free, thanks to Yeshua. It’s a win-win situation, when you know Yeshua; He either heals you or He takes you home with him. Prayer is powerful.
BillieJean Craft
March 2nd, 2006 at 10:34 am
I no cancer is rough, but don’t give in. Compared to the big C, (Christ), cancer is a little c. I believe whatever the outcome, healing in this present body, or being housed in a redeemed body; God’s will is accomplished. As for me, I believe in His healing of Zola Levitt to His glory. Zola Levitt and his family and staff are in my prayers. May Zola be comforted by the Holy Spirit and the Word, and regain strength each day.
March 2nd, 2006 at 12:14 pm
Dear brother Zola, you have had a tremendous impact on my life and ministry. In 1988 I was blessed to go on a tour to Israel with you. I will never, never forget it. That experience set the anchor in my soul to serve Jesus forever. There are no words to express the joy you bring by just hearing your voice. I came from atheist to believer when I saw the Lord’s power heal my daughter who was very ill. Brother, I am standing with you in prayer, believing God for a healing miracle for you. God has everything under control, He loves you and is very pleased with you. Look foward to spending eternity with such as you, Brother Zola – Man of God!
March 2nd, 2006 at 1:47 pm
Dear Zola,
I am praying for your recovery, we still need you here!!!!!!!My christan friends in Norway(great friends of Israel) will also pray for you! A prayer request is beeing sent out!
God bless you, your family – and your staff!
March 2nd, 2006 at 2:11 pm
Zola,Sandra, Family and Staff…
What can we say …
Words go not convey …
We are and will be
‘Lifting You in Prayer’
to the One and Only One …
‘Who Was, And Is, And Is To Come’
may we all pray …
shalom and amen …
March 2nd, 2006 at 2:32 pm
Dear Zola,
I know that our Heavenly Father is in control of all of these things and that nothing happens to us without first being allowed by our precsious Lord and Messiah, Yeshua. We love you so much Zola, just as we do the whole body of Christ. But you have been out there in front of us as a witness for the Lord and a friend we can see. I know that all who watch and listen to your preaching love you as we do and are all praying God will keep you with us a bit longer. My heart is breaking, because I don’t want you to be in pain. But I do truly know that the Lord will be with you as he is with all his children.You have been and still are such a warrior for our Lord! God bless you Zola. I know your strength will come from Him and when the time does come that the Lord may call you home you will be ready and waiting just as you always have been. Please know that you are loved!!!! But as much as we in the Body love you soo!!! Our Lord loves you more and that is what will keep you until the time comes for you to see our Lord. Once again please know that our thoughts and prayers are constantly with you asking that our prescious Lord will lay His healing hands on you. We are also praying for your family, who I am sure are hurting but trusting and being an encouragement to you. God bless your precsious wife. We are praying for the Lord to give her strength as I’m sure he already has. We are praying for all the staff behind the scenes, and especially for your son Mark who provides us with these updates and so much more. God bless him. You have done the Lord’s wonderful work in that you have raised up your child in the way he should go, and he has not departed from it as he ages. Once again. May the Lord Yeshua lay His healing hands upon you and comfort you with all comfort and strength.
And don’t worry, we will carry the message and alway remember to:
See you soon Zola, HERE – THERE – OR – IN THE AIR!!
In His Love,
Your sister in Yeshua our Savior and King,
March 2nd, 2006 at 3:51 pm
Zola! Praise God! We just found out the news regarding the cancer. The Lord impressed upon my mother Janice, and I since your heart surgery to continue to ferverently pray for you. And we have not stopped yet. Unless the good Lord calls you home, we will not cease to pray for your health miracle, you and your family, as well as the ministry. You mean too much to us!!!
In the Name that is above all names.
Carol Renaud and
Janice Renaud
March 2nd, 2006 at 3:52 pm
I was thinking/hoping the Lord would give me something for Zola.
This is what popped out to me as I read today: Jeremiah 17, verses 14 and 15 (NASB)
Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed.
Save me and I will be saved,
For You are my praise.
Look, they keep saying me,
“Where is the word of the LORD?
Let it come now!”
March 2nd, 2006 at 4:05 pm
Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed;
Save me, and I will be saved,
For You are my praise.
Look, they keep saying to me,
“Where is the word of the LORD?
Let it come now!”
I’m sorry, I made a couple of errors in the posted verses above. I
went to an exhibition on the Bible that was touring, and I remember how important it was for the scribes and printers to be accurate.
I am grateful to them. May G-d bless all of you and your staff
March 2nd, 2006 at 5:16 pm
Shalom Bubula:
Zola, I’m just a 40yr old New Yorker now livin in Clermont,Fl. I am sorry I missed the opportunity to meet you when you came to Mount Dora,Fl a few years ago. My Mom & Dad used to tell me stories of how kind their Jewish bosses were to them when they came to America from Puerto Rico. “The Jewish people gave me a chance in life” my Dad would say. I thank God for the Jewish people Ive known through out my life. They have been a blessing to our family. My Dad and I have watched your show. My Dad accepted Jesus last year while in the hospital,we prayed together. I miss him very much. But I know that “The Jewish Messiah gave my Dad eternal life”.
Shalom Zola
March 2nd, 2006 at 6:14 pm
Brother Zola,
Praying for your complete recovery. I have been inspired by your witness and tireless efforts in bringing the truth of Messiah to the Jewish and Gentile world. You have been on the frontlines in defending Israel and the Holy One of Israel for many years and thus you are blessed. Yeshua will defend you from this attack and raise you up again for His glory and purpose.
March 2nd, 2006 at 7:21 pm
Dear Zola, and Sandra, family and friends, Remember the Lord is with you and He is our deiverer. To God the Lord belongs escapes from death (Ps. 103). My sister was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 1996 and told she had only 6 years at the most to live. She is still alive today. The Lord is a Great and Mighty God and His lovingkindness endures forever, Blessed be His Glorious Name.
I love your ministry and will continue to pray for you, your wife, family, and staff that The Great I AM will deliver you from this and set your feet upon the Rock.
In Jesus Name,
Sandy Monahan
March 2nd, 2006 at 9:11 pm
Zola’s television offerings are interwoven in my mind with my father watching and enjoying his pro-Israel teachings. It is good that Zola has spent much of his life preaching about Yeshua’s return to the beautiful land. Love you, Zola. Every moment listening to you is precious. May your heart be full from all the love of the brothers and sisters in the Lord who are seeking Him for more time in this age, with our Jewish Christian friend.
May the paraclete be with you through each treatment dear one.
You are a blessing.
Marlene White
March 2nd, 2006 at 9:35 pm
Thank you for keeping us informed on all that is going on…it makes it easier to carry our petitions before the Lord. Everything God does is right and righteous. He will answer our prayers that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. His will be done in Zola’s life in the same manner.
Zola is in God’s hands and that means that what is best for God’s Kingdom will be done. I have added to my prayers that God allow Zola, his family and the ministry staff to feel the prayers and love that is being offered up for you all in this time of need. May God keep you all and supply the strength and wisdom and all that you will need in this time of trial.
Shalom in Yeshua!
March 2nd, 2006 at 10:54 pm
Zola, only God knows how much you are loved by the countless prayers and tears offered up for you.
Fruitful, faithful, servant of the Lord.
Zola family, and staff, my heart is speechless.
Thank you all, your ministry has brought life, hope and love, as Messianic believers we can ask no more of you.
Good and Faithful Servant, all we can do is trust God.
My heart is yours,
Guy Marvulli
March 3rd, 2006 at 12:11 am
Dear Zola,
We indeed are living in the last days, and with the strength of Yeshua and his love we will overcome this battle that is laid before us. You have been a real blessing to us and our families, and as a guide for so many people, and especially to those who did not know the love of our Messiah, Yeshua. We thank you so much for all your hard work, and the Love you have in speaking the truth for our Lord and Savior. May we praise his name always. We lift you and your family in prayer and pray for his perfect will. Once again, thank you Zola. We love you!!
In Yeshua’s Love Always,
Ron & Rhonda Wohleking
P.S. We will see you soon!
March 5th, 2006 at 2:21 pm
Dear Zola: Just want to let you know that you are in my prayers….you have been one of my bestest and most loved teacher’s of all times……:) I pray the Lord will give you extra strength in these times you are currently going through. I am putting you on some prayer lists for more prayer support. Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Love in Y’shua, Laurie and son Levi…
March 8th, 2006 at 9:27 pm
………..I seriously do not know what to say…….just as many are telling you I’m praying that G-D will keep you here with us to inform us and keep Israel on our minds and in our prayers…….also for us to be ready for our Lord’s soon returning.I am very gratefull that I found you on T.V. years ago and I support you financially when I am able……..glad to say I have met you and wish I knew you in a personal way…..pray to the Lord I will someday be able financially to go to Israel with you so you have got to be here(no desire to go with anyone else).Whatever happens(crying)……WHATEVER happens I will support the ministry that you have been faithfull to build with G-D’s help.I can honestly say “I LOVE YOU” May Lord bless you and keep you, and his face shine upon you, and bring you peace.
In Yeshua’s Holy name,
March 12th, 2006 at 3:02 pm
I love you Zola, and your program. I love the Jewish people. I will be praying for you. When I have health concerns I repeat to myself as I go to sleep, “I accept the healing power of Jesus Christ in my body and especially (the affected part of my body)in the name of Jesus Christ.” I have received help this way. Thank you for sharing with us your daily needs and concerns. I found the previous Moslems that you have had on recently very interesting. Thank you for all your efforts through the years. Your fellow Christian.
March 18th, 2006 at 2:00 pm
Dear my brother Zola, I nearly cried reading all those precious posts about your situation and those loving reminders of how cherished you are to the Body of Christ. Truly, you are still needed here. I pray that The Lord heals you completely as a magnificent testament to His truthfulness and faithfulness. I still plan to go to Israel, hopefully on one of your tours.
Sha-alu Shalom Yershalayim!
March 19th, 2006 at 2:46 pm
March 21st, 2006 at 12:34 pm
Zola….you and your team have influenced my life greatly since the 70’s…..I love you and will continue to pray for you every day….if you do go to the Head Office (Heaven) it is because our Lord says enough, and He will have bigger plans for you there….Maranatha Brother Love You Richard
March 27th, 2006 at 10:56 am
Dear Zola,
I can only reiterate all of the above messages with heart felt compassion.
Each message written flows with words my heart wants to express.
I will continue to pray for you,for your family,and most certainly,for the peace of Jerusalem.
April 2nd, 2006 at 4:28 pm
Dearest Zola and Sandra,,, I was thinking of you today and i thought i would email you all and let you know iam still in prayer for you Zola and yes your loved ones. I have always enjoyed your teachings and i want you to know just how much you are appreciated. I wish there were words to express how much i want you and your family free from this attack on your body,,, I know the only words i have is from my heart to yours. It is LOVE and PRAYERS to you and your family. We love you very much and are greatful for you and your dedication to teach God,s word…. and to yet still teach while you are ill, God is with you Zola and i send my very best of a heart filled with prayers and love ,,,I admire your courage Zola and as i said to keep on teaching , a big thank you. Love in Christ Jesus,,,Kimberly W.
April 15th, 2006 at 11:42 am
I wouldn’t expect you to remember, but you came and spoke at our little “Day Away Retreat” in Saginaw, Michigan many years ago. That was a highlight in a retreat we had for several years.
Mary Ellen and I have purchased and distributed your “Christian Love Story” and your booklet on the “Seven Feasts of Israel” to many. We love you and your ministry. You undoubtedly have touched the lives of thousands, if not, millions of people.
We were sad to hear of the cancer. We know you will fight the good fight no matter where it takes you. We are praying that you will experience a minimum of pain. The Lord can heal you in a nano-second as well. We pray God’s perfect will for you! Thank you for being to us “one of the modern-day pillars for Jesus Christ.” You are a hero to many.
May God bless you and your family. We pray for their strength, too.
December 18th, 2007 at 2:55 pm
To Zola’s family:
1 Peter 2:24
Strength for the battle.
Psalm 18:39
You and your family are in my prayers…
Linda McGowan